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Gremlins works in parallel mode. It uses some sensible defaults, but it may be necessary to tweak them in your specific use case. Finding the correct settings mandates a little trial and error, and we are still learning how to get the most of it.

The first setting you should be aware of is the number of workers (--workers). By default, Gremlins uses the number of available CPU cores. This value is correct most of the time, but if you notice an excessive number of mutations going into TIMED OUT, you may try to decrease this value.

If you decrease this value, you may also try to increase the number of CPU cores available to each test run (--test-cpu). This is equivalent to the -cpu flag of the Go test tool, but for each mutation test. Gremlins doesn't enforce this by default.

A rule of thumb may be setting it so that the sum of workers and test CPU is equal to the total number of cores of of the machine.

The symptom of a run excessively stressed is the number of mutants going into TIMED OUT. You should tweak the two values above until your runs stabilize on a low and constant number of TIMED OUT mutants. To understand what could be your correct value, you can run Gremlins with a single worker and see the results.

Timeout coefficient

Another setting you may want to tweak is the timeout coefficient. This is the multiplier used to increase the estimated time it takes to do a run of the tests. The default value should be ok, but if you see too much tests timing out, then you may try to play a little with this value. Don't increase it too much though, or the run might become excessively slow. At the moment, it defaults to 3.

If your test suite takes a lot of time to run, you may want to tweak this setting to decrease the coefficient. We are thinking of a dynamic way to set this, but it is not clear yet the correct algorithm to use.

Integration mode

Integration mode is quite heavy on the CPU in parallel mode. For this reason, Gremlins halves the values for workers and test CPU if it is running in integration mode. So, if you set, for example, 4 workers, it will run effectively with 2. And same goes for test CPU.