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Gremlins can be installed via pre-compiled binaries or from source.

Pre compiled binaries


We don't have public repositories yet. To install, you have to download the package appropriate to your architecture/OS and install it "manually".

Download a .deb file appropriate for your ARCH from the release page, then install with:

dpkg -i gremlins_0.4.0_linux_amd64.deb

Download a .rpm file appropriate for your ARCH from the release page, then install with:

rpm -i gremlins_0.4.0_linux_amd64.rpm


On macOS, you can use Homebrew. As of now, Gremlins uses only an Homebrew tap.

To install, you have to first tap Gremlins' repository:

brew tap go-gremlins/tap #(1)
  1. Doing this, your tap will refer directly to the Gremlins' tap formula on GitHub. You can delete the tap by "untapping" it:
    brew untap go-gremlins/tap

Then you can install it:

brew install gremlins


As of now, only manual installation is supported. Download the appropriate release package from the release page, extract the zip archive and copy the .exe file somewhere in your execution PATH.


You can also run Gremlins using the official Docker image:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app gogremlins/gremlins gremlins unleash .

Manual install

Alternatively, you can download the binary for your OS/ARCH, untar it.

For example, on GNU/Linux it could be:

tar -xvf gremlins_0.4.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz

then copy it somewhere in PATH:

sudo cp gremlins_0.4.0_linux_amd64/gremlins /usr/bin

From source

Go install

Gremlins can be installed with the Go install command. Only the Go compiler is needed.

go install

Ninja style

To build Gremlins you need the Go compiler, make and golangci-lint for linting. You can clone download the source tarball from the release page, then:

tar -xvf gremlins-0.4.0.tar.gz

Ad then:

cd gremlins-0.4.0

At this point, you can move the generated binary executable to a location of your choice.